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Booking details


Please choose the check-in date
Please choose the check-out date
Return date should be after start date!
Please fill in the place of departure

Contact person

Please fill in your firstname
Please fill in your lastname
Please fill in your mobile phone
Please fill in your email address

Additional information

Your acceptance is required in order to continue
Your acceptance is required in order to continue



What is the capacity of the vessels?

  • Motorboat: The capacity ranges from 4 - 15 guests.
  • RIB: The capacity ranges from 5 - 21 guests.
  • Sailboat: The capacity ranges from 5 - 14 guests and includes 2 - 6 cabins.
  • Yacht: The capacity ranges from 8 - 15 guests and includes 3 - 5 cabins

How much is it to rent a boat in Greece?

The cost of a boat rent in Greece will vary depending on the exact location you want to sail in addition to the time of year, how many people are on board and the size and type of vessel that you choose. Of course, the cost of boat charters tends to be cheaper than an all-inclusive yacht charter in Greece, so this is also important to take into account.

What is required to rent a boat in Greece?

According to Greek law, you must have a valid sailing certificate to rent a boat. The RYA International Certificate of Competence (ICC) allows you to rent a boat in Greece without a skipper on board. If you do not hold this licence we’ve got plenty of crewed rents in Greece which makes sailing accessible to everyone!

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